Local Projects: Cultivate, the Episcopal Food Movement

The Episcopal Church has approved 44 Stewardship of Creation grants for local projects, including many great ideas that your parish or diocese could do too. Every Thursday, to help highlight the exciting work happening across God’s church, we highlight one here!

SOC Grant_ Cultivate

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Cultivate: Episcopal Food Movement will apply its $10,000 grant churchwide. Cultivate will develop a website, congregational resources for gardening, and liturgical materials for broad distribution around the church.

The mission statement on Cultivate’s website says, “We envision and work to create a just and sustainable food system which reflects the abundance and grace of God. Cultivate: The Episcopal Food Movement engages with the Church to discover how agrarian work can transform our culture, our institutions, our environment, and ourselves through gardens, farms, and conservation.” Learn more at http://www.faithfoodfarm.org/

Very cool! What food, garden, or land-use projects are happening in your own diocese “to proclaim Christ’s way of love and tend earth which God called ‘good’”?

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